Riyadh Plants

White Karee, Willow Karee

Several species of Rhus, which are native to arid regions such as the deserts of Arizona and Mexico, and also South Africa, have potential for use in Arriyadh. Renamed Searsia pendulina in 2008, the White Karee, originating from and now widely planted in South Africa, is a small ornamental tree which can be found in Arriyadh’s nurseries. Fast-growing and somewhat short-lived, it will reach a height of about 6 metres and a spread of 4 to 5 metres. It has a willowy appearance with a rounded crown, and many drooping, weeping branches, usually on a single trunk, the bark of which is smooth and greyish, becoming rough and scaly at maturity. The dark-green leaves are trifoliate. Small, yellowish-green flowers bloom delicately on branching panicles from spring through to summer, attracting bees and butterflies. (Male and female flowers are borne on separate trees.) The edible fruits are small round berries which ripen from red to black, and are eaten by birds. The plant prefers moist soil with good drainage, and flourishes in full sun: it is wind- and drought-resistant, and relatively frost-hardy. Propagation is easy from seed and cuttings. Regular irrigation is necessary until establishment, with deep watering later during the summer months. The wood is durable and is used for fencing poles. An excellent small garden tree for shade, the roots are not aggressive, so that planting at a reasonable distance from swimming pools or patios is not a problem. Because not much pruning is needed, it makes a low-maintenance street tree.

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General information

Family names Anacardiaceae
Climatic zones Tropical , Mediterranean , Sub Tropical
Rainfall Extremely Humid , Very Humid , Semi Humid , Semi Arid
Propagation Cuttings , Sowing and Pricking Out
Cultivation Low
Planting phase

Environmental conditions

Urban climate Resistant
Desiccation Resistant
Drought Resistant
Irrigation Medium
Salinity Moderate < 3,000 ppm
Hardiness zones -6°C

Plant shape

Vigour Fairly Fast Growing
Height From 4 To 9 M
Expansion from to From 4 To 10 M
Leaves Evergreen


Flowercolors Green
Flower size from to 0.5 CM
Flowering period From Early May Till Late June


Type of fruit Berry
Fruit size from to 0.3 CM
Toxicity Edible , Fruit

Location of Use

Public Open Space , Pedestrian Precinct , Street Neighbour Planting , Park Planting , Pond Edge , Stream Edge , Private Garden , Specimen , Wadi Farm Garden , Swamp , Urban Area

Other choices

Wind Damage , Attractive to Birds , Attractive to Bees , Shelter , Attractive Shape , Wild Fruiting Plant , Dominant Plant , Medical Plant